
pycraf.pathprof.srtm_height_map(lon_c, lat_c, map_size_lon, map_size_lat, map_resolution=<Quantity 3. arcsec>, hprof_step=None, do_cos_delta=True, do_coords_2d=False)[source]#

Extract terrain map from SRTM data.

lon_t, lat_tQuantity

Geographic longitude/latitude of map center [deg]

map_size_lon, map_size_latQuantity

Map size in longitude/latitude[deg]

map_resolutionQuantity, optional

Pixel resolution of map [deg] (default: 3 arcsec)

hprof_stepQuantity, optional

Pixel resolution of map [m] (default: None) Overrides map_resolution if given!

do_cos_deltabool, optional

If True, divide map_size_lon by cos(lat_c) to produce a more square-like map. (default: True)

do_coords_2dbool, optional

If True, return 2D coordinate arrays (default: False)

lonsQuantity, 1D or 2D

Geographic longitudes [deg]

latsQuantity, 1D or 2D

Geographic latitudes [deg]

heightsQuantity, 1D or 2D

Height map [m]


  • SRTM data tiles (*.hgt) need to be accessible by pycraf. It is assumed that these are either present in the current working directory or in the path defined by the SRTMDATA environment variable (sub-directories are also parsed). Alternatively, use the SrtmConf manager to change the directory, where pycraf looks for SRTM data, during run-time. The SrtmConf manager also offers additional features such as automatic downloading of missing tiles or applying different interpolation methods (e.g., splines). For details see Working with SRTM data.