The atm sub-package can be used to calculate the atmospheric
attenuation, which is relevant for various purposes. Examples would be to
calculate the propagation loss associated with a terrestrial path, or a
so-called slant path between a terminal at large height (e.g., a satellite)
and an Earth terminal. The latter case is also of interest for observations
of deep-space objects, as Earth’s atmosphere dampens the signal of interest.
Especially, in astronomy one needs to correct for such attenuation effects to
determine the original intensity of an object.
The relevant
ITU-R Rec. P.676-11
contains two models. The Annex-1 model is more accurate and is valid for
frequencies between 1 and 1000 GHz. It constructs the attenuation spectrum
from the Debye continuum absorption and water and oxygen resonance lines. In
contrast, Annex-2 is based on a simpler empirical method, that works for
frequencies up to 350 GHz only. It doesn’t work with layers but assumes just
a one-layer slab having an effective temperature, which would produce the
same overall loss as the multi-layered model. Of course, this effective
temperature has nothing to do with the true physical temperature (profile)
of the atmosphere. Although the Annex-2 model is simpler and thus somewhat
faster in principle, in most cases users of pycraf will want to use Annex-1
functions. These are mostly implemented in Cython
and therefore reasonably fast.
Both Annexes provide a framework to calculate the specific attenuation (dB /
km) for an atmospheric slab. To compute the full path loss caused by the
atmosphere over a longer path, one has to integrate over the distance. For
ground-to-ground stations this is trivial (assuming the specific attenuation
is constant - which would not be true, if one station is at a significantly
different altitude). For slant paths, Annex 1 and 2 methods differ
substanially. The former determines the specific attenuation for potentially
hundreds of different layers and as such height profiles for temperature and
pressures are necessary. These are provided in ITU-R Rec. P.835-5. The atm sub-
package contains the “Standard profile” (profile_standard) and
five more specialized profiles, associated with the geographic latitude and
season (profile_highlat_summer,
profile_highlat_winter, profile_midlat_summer,
profile_midlat_winter, and profile_lowlat).
Here the function profile_standard returns a
namedtuple with the plotted quantities. This works in the same
way for the other special height profiles, provided in pycraf. Likewise, the
user could define their own profiles, which will seamlessly work with all
other functions in this package, as long as they use a compatible function
signature (including return type) and extend to at least 85 km height.
Given certain physical conditions such as temperature, pressure and water
content, one can calculate the specific attenuation in the following manner.
As the ITU-R Rec. P.676-11 methods work with the partial dry and wet air
pressure, one usually has to derive these, e.g., from water content or
>>> _freqs=np.arange(1,1000,1)>>> freq_grid=_freqs*u.GHz>>> # weather parameter at ground-level>>> total_pressure=1013*u.hPa>>> temperature=290*u.K>>> # water content is from the integral over the full height>>> rho_water=7.5*u.g/u.m**3>>>>>> # alternatively, one can use atm.pressure_water_from_humidity>>> pressure_water=atm.pressure_water_from_rho_water(temperature,rho_water)>>> pressure_dry=total_pressure-pressure_water>>>>>> print(... 'Oxygen pressure: {0.value:.2f}{0.unit}, '... 'Water vapor partial pressure: {1.value:.2f}{1.unit}'.format(... pressure_dry,pressure_water... ))Oxygen pressure: 1002.96 hPa, Water vapor partial pressure: 10.04 hPa>>> atten_dry,atten_wet=atm.atten_specific_annex1(... freq_grid,pressure_dry,pressure_water,temperature... )...>>> plt.close()>>> plt.figure(figsize=(12,7))>>> plt.plot(... _freqs,,... 'r-',label='Dry air'... )>>> plt.plot(... _freqs,,... 'b-',label='Wet air'... )>>> plt.plot(... _freqs,(atten_dry+atten_wet).to(cnv.dB/,... 'k-',label='Total'... )>>> plt.semilogy()>>> plt.xlabel('Frequency [GHz]')>>> plt.ylabel('Specific Attenuation [dB / km]')>>> plt.xlim((1,999))>>> plt.ylim((5.e-3,0.9e5))>>> plt.grid()>>> plt.legend(*plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels(),loc='upper left')>>> plt.title(... 'Specific attenuation for standard conditions, '... 'according to ITU-R P.676 (10), annex 1',... fontsize=16... )
With the specific attenuation, one can infer the total attenuation along
a terrestrial or slant path. For the latter scenario, one of course needs
to calculate the specific attenuation for each atmospheric layer if working
with Annex-1 formulas. If many calculations are to be done with the same
atmospheric profile, the calculation of the physical parameters, including
the frequency-dependent specific attenuation, would consume a lot of
computing time. Therefore, atm Annex-1 functions use a dictionary
to cache the height profiles. It has to be created once for a given
atmospheric profile, by calling atm_layers, and can then be used
for all subsequent calculations, e.g., by the atten_slant_annex1
function, which will do ray-tracing through the atmosphere and determine
the overall atmospheric attenuation along the path.
For the slant path through the atmosphere, the user doesn’t need to provide
the physical conditions manually, but one has to use one of the atmospheric
height models, the properties of which are then cached via the
atm_layers function.
It is clear, the for very realistic results, one should work with an actual
height profile valid for the day of observation, such as measured with a radio
sonde for example.
The function atten_slant_annex1, which was demonstrated above,
internally calls a helper routine raytrace_path to work out
the geometry of a path starting at a given altitude (above sea level) and
with a certain elevation. As the refractive index of each atmospheric layer
is slightly distinct, Snell’s law applies and bends the ray somewhat as it travels from layer
to layer. The overall bending angle is called “refraction” and thus a
source appears at a slightly different elevation angle for an observer.
If you are interested in how such a path looks like, the following
demonstrates how to plot it.
>>> # first, we need to create the atmospheric layer cache>>> atm_layers_cache=atm.atm_layers([1]*u.GHz,atm.profile_highlat_winter)>>>>>> plt.close()>>> fig=plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))>>>>>> # to plot the atmospheric layers, we need to access the layers_cache:>>> a_e=atm.EARTH_RADIUS>>> layer_angles=np.arange(0,0.1,1e-3)>>> layer_radii=atm_layers_cache['radii']>>> bottom,top=layer_radii[[0,900]]>>> plt.plot(bottom*np.sin(layer_angles),bottom*np.cos(layer_angles),'k-')>>> plt.plot(top*np.sin(layer_angles),top*np.cos(layer_angles),'k-')>>> # we only plot some layers>>> forrinlayer_radii[[200,500,600,700,800,850]]:... plt.plot(r*np.sin(layer_angles),r*np.cos(layer_angles),'k--',alpha=0.5)...>>> # now create four different example paths (of different type)>>> forpath_num,elevation,obs_alt,max_path_lengthinzip(... [1,2,3,4],... [10,20,-5,-45]*u.deg,... [300,300,25000,50000]*u.m,... [1000,230,300,1000]*,... ):...... path_params,_,refraction=atm.raytrace_path(... elevation,obs_alt,atm_layers_cache,... max_path_length=max_path_length,... )...... print('total path length {:d}: {:5.1f}'.format(... path_num,np.sum(path_params.a_n)... ))...... radii=path_params.r_n... angle=path_params.delta_n... x,y=radii*np.sin(angle),radii*np.cos(angle)... _=plt.plot(x,y,'-',label='Path {:d}'.format(path_num))total path length 1: 1000.0total path length 2: 230.0total path length 3: 300.0total path length 4: 71.0>>> plt.legend(*plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels())>>> plt.xlim((0,290))>>> plt.ylim((a_e-5,6453))>>> plt.title('Path propagation through layered atmosphere')>>> plt.xlabel('Projected distance (km)')>>> plt.ylabel('Distance to Earth center (km)')>>> plt.gca().set_aspect('equal')
As you can see, raytrace_path allows to specify a maximal path
length (as well as a maximal separation angle, see API docs). This can be
useful for terrestrial paths.
The ITU-R Rec. P.676-11 only presents an algorithm for paths with an
elevation angle larger than zero degrees. For pycraf the method
was extended to work properly with negative elevation angles, as well.
A similar function exists, path_endpoint, which only returns
the parameters of the final point on the ray. For example, one could plot the
refraction angle as a function of elevation:
The function path_endpoint is really useful, because it allows us to find the
correct elevation angle to have the path hit a certain point (e.g., a
receiver station).
Depending on where exactly the paths hit the boundary of the next layer, a
“split” of adjacent rays can occur. These “caustics” have drastic
consequences: it is not possible to reach certain points in the atmosphere
from a given starting point. This also makes it impossible to use
non-stochastic optimization algorithms to find the optimal elevation angle to
use for a transmitter-receiver link.
Pycraf comes with a utility function find_elevation that uses Basinhopping to find a good (not necessarily best) solution in the non-continuous minimization function (caused by the caustics, see above). This, unfortunately, can be relatively slow depending on path length and properties. It works by specifying the start and end height (above sea level) of the path and the true geographical angular distance between the two (see also true_angular_distance function):
A Jupyter tutorial notebook about the atm package is
provided in the pycraf repository on GitHub. It also
contains plots of the specialized height profiles, as well as an example
for the Annex-2 method.
The atm subpackage provides an implementation of the atmospheric models of
ITU-R Rec. P.676-11.
For this, various other algorithms from the following two ITU-R
Recommendations are
ITU-R Rec. P.835-5,
which contains the Standard and several special atmospheric profiles.
ITU-R Rec. P.453-12,
which is used to calculate the refractive index from temperature and
water/total air pressure. Furthermore, P.453 has formulae to derive the
saturation water pressure from temperature and total air pressure,
as well as the water pressure from temperature, pressure and humidity,
or alternatively from temperature and wator vapor density.
The new version of P.676,
ITU-R Rec. P.676-11, has updated the algorithms for Annex 2 (compare with>). As the Annex 1 methods are more accurate (and
sufficiently fast), users should use these for their work. pycraf
continues to provide the Annex 2 solutions of the P.676-10 for historical
reasons, but this should be considered as deprecated.