Source code for pycraf.pathprof.heightprofile

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import (
    absolute_import, unicode_literals, division, print_function

from astropy import units as apu
import numpy as np
from . import cygeodesics
from . import srtm
from .. import utils

__all__ = [
    'srtm_height_profile', 'srtm_height_map',

def _srtm_height_profile(
        lon_t, lat_t, lon_r, lat_r, step, generic_heights=False
    # angles in deg; lengths in m

    # first find start bearing (and backward bearing for the curious people)
    # and distance

    # import time
    # t = time.time()
    lon_t_rad, lat_t_rad = np.radians(lon_t), np.radians(lat_t)
    lon_r_rad, lat_r_rad = np.radians(lon_r), np.radians(lat_r),
    distance, bearing_1_rad, bearing_2_rad = cygeodesics.inverse_cython(
        lon_t_rad, lat_t_rad, lon_r_rad, lat_r_rad,
    bearing_1 = np.degrees(bearing_1_rad)
    bearing_2 = np.degrees(bearing_2_rad)
    back_bearing = bearing_2 % 360 - 180

    distances = np.arange(0., distance + step, step)  # [m]

    lons_rad, lats_rad, bearing_2s_rad = cygeodesics.direct_cython(
        lon_t_rad, lat_t_rad, bearing_1_rad, distances
    lons = np.degrees(lons_rad)
    lats = np.degrees(lats_rad)
    bearing_2s = np.degrees(bearing_2s_rad)

    back_bearings = bearing_2s % 360 - 180

    if generic_heights:
        heights = np.zeros_like(lons)

        # important: unless the requested resolution is super-fine, we always
        # have to query the raw height profile data using sufficient
        # resolution, to acquire all features
        # only afterwards, we may smooth the data to the desired distance-step
        # resolution

        # print(time.time() - t)
        # t = time.time()

        # hgt_res may not be set correctly yet, if call to srtm wasn't made
        # before
        # let's do a simple query to make sure, it is set
        srtm._srtm_height_data(lon_t, lat_t)
        hgt_res = srtm.SrtmConf.hgt_res
        if step > hgt_res / 1.5:
            hdistances = np.arange(
                0., distance + hgt_res / 3., hgt_res / 3.
            hlons, hlats, _ = cygeodesics.direct_cython(
                lon_t_rad, lat_t_rad, bearing_1_rad, hdistances
            hlons = np.degrees(hlons)
            hlats = np.degrees(hlats)

            hheights = srtm._srtm_height_data(hlons, hlats).astype(np.float64)
            heights = np.empty_like(distances)
            # now smooth/interpolate this to the desired step width
                hdistances, hheights, distances, heights,
                step / 2.35, regular=True


            heights = srtm._srtm_height_data(lons, lats).astype(np.float64)

    return (
        lons, lats,
        distance * 1.e-3,
        distances * 1.e-3, heights,
        bearing_1, back_bearing, back_bearings

[docs] @utils.ranged_quantity_input( lon_t=(-180, 180, apu.deg), lat_t=(-90, 90, apu.deg), lon_r=(-180, 180, apu.deg), lat_r=(-90, 90, apu.deg), step=(1., 1.e5, apu.m), strip_input_units=True, output_unit=( apu.deg, apu.deg,,, apu.m, apu.deg, apu.deg, apu.deg ) ) def srtm_height_profile( lon_t, lat_t, lon_r, lat_r, step, generic_heights=False ): ''' Extract a height profile from SRTM data. Parameters ---------- lon_t, lat_t : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Geographic longitude/latitude of start point (transmitter) [deg] lon_r, lat_r : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Geographic longitude/latitude of end point (receiver) [deg] step : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Distance resolution of height profile along path [m] generic_heights : bool If `generic_heights` is set to True, heights will be set to zero. This can be useful for generic (aka flat-Earth) computations. (Default: False) Returns ------- lons : `~astropy.units.Quantity` 1D array Geographic longitudes of path. lats : `~astropy.units.Quantity` 1D array Geographic latitudes of path. distance : `~astropy.units.Quantity` scalar Distance between start and end point of path. distances : `~astropy.units.Quantity` 1D array Distances along the path (with respect to start point). heights : `~astropy.units.Quantity` 1D array Terrain height along the path (aka Height profile). bearing : `~astropy.units.Quantity` scalar Start bearing of path. backbearing : `~astropy.units.Quantity` scalar Back-bearing at end point of path. backbearings : `~astropy.units.Quantity` 1D array Back-bearings for each point on the path. Notes ----- - `distances` contains distances from Transmitter. - `SRTM <>`_ data tiles (`*.hgt`) need to be accessible by `pycraf`. It is assumed that these are either present in the current working directory or in the path defined by the `SRTMDATA` environment variable (sub-directories are also parsed). Alternatively, use the `~pycraf.pathprof.SrtmConf` manager to change the directory, where `pycraf` looks for SRTM data, during run-time. The `~pycraf.pathprof.SrtmConf` manager also offers additional features such as automatic downloading of missing tiles or applying different interpolation methods (e.g., splines). For details see :ref:`working_with_srtm`. ''' return _srtm_height_profile( lon_t, lat_t, lon_r, lat_r, step, generic_heights )
[docs] @utils.ranged_quantity_input( lon_c=(-180, 180, apu.deg), lat_c=(-90, 90, apu.deg), map_size_lon=(0.002, 90, apu.deg), map_size_lat=(0.002, 90, apu.deg), map_resolution=(0.0001, 0.1, apu.deg), hprof_step=(0.01, 30,, strip_input_units=True, allow_none=True, output_unit=(apu.deg, apu.deg, apu.m) ) def srtm_height_map( lon_c, lat_c, map_size_lon, map_size_lat, map_resolution=3. * apu.arcsec, hprof_step=None, do_cos_delta=True, do_coords_2d=False, ): ''' Extract terrain map from SRTM data. Parameters ---------- lon_t, lat_t : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Geographic longitude/latitude of map center [deg] map_size_lon, map_size_lat : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Map size in longitude/latitude[deg] map_resolution : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Pixel resolution of map [deg] (default: 3 arcsec) hprof_step : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Pixel resolution of map [m] (default: None) Overrides `map_resolution` if given! do_cos_delta : bool, optional If True, divide `map_size_lon` by `cos(lat_c)` to produce a more square-like map. (default: True) do_coords_2d : bool, optional If True, return 2D coordinate arrays (default: False) Returns ------- lons : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, 1D or 2D Geographic longitudes [deg] lats : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, 1D or 2D Geographic latitudes [deg] heights : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, 1D or 2D Height map [m] Notes ----- - `SRTM <>`_ data tiles (`*.hgt`) need to be accessible by `pycraf`. It is assumed that these are either present in the current working directory or in the path defined by the `SRTMDATA` environment variable (sub-directories are also parsed). Alternatively, use the `~pycraf.pathprof.SrtmConf` manager to change the directory, where `pycraf` looks for SRTM data, during run-time. The `~pycraf.pathprof.SrtmConf` manager also offers additional features such as automatic downloading of missing tiles or applying different interpolation methods (e.g., splines). For details see :ref:`working_with_srtm`. ''' if hprof_step is None: hprof_step = map_resolution * 3600. / 1. * 30. cosdelta = 1. / np.cos(np.radians(lat_c)) if do_cos_delta else 1. # construction map arrays xcoords = np.arange( lon_c - cosdelta * map_size_lon / 2, lon_c + cosdelta * map_size_lon / 2 + 1.e-6, cosdelta * map_resolution, ) ycoords = np.arange( lat_c - map_size_lat / 2, lat_c + map_size_lat / 2 + 1.e-6, map_resolution, ) xcoords2d, ycoords2d = np.meshgrid(xcoords, ycoords) heightmap = srtm._srtm_height_data( xcoords2d.flatten(), ycoords2d.flatten() ).reshape(xcoords2d.shape) if do_coords_2d: xcoords, ycoords = xcoords2d, ycoords2d return xcoords, ycoords, heightmap
if __name__ == '__main__': print('This not a standalone python program! Use as module.')