Cysgp4 user manual#


The cysgp4 package can be used to calculate the orbits of satellites around Earth, based on so-called Two-line element strings (TLE). They not only encapsulate not only the basic orbital elements that describe Keplarian orbits (based on six free parameters), but also include more complicated physical processes, such as drag caused by Earth’s atmosphere and other pertubations owing to the ellipsoidal gravitational field, influence of other solar bodies etc. One of the more famous simplified perturbations models is SGP4, which is directly related to the TLEs published by NORAD and NASA, and many tools exist to do the calculation.

Here we provide a Python wrapper around the C++ SGP4 Satellite Library by Daniel Warner. It provides similar functionality as the well-known sgp4 Python package (by Brandon Rhodes), which uses Numba internally to speed-up the calculations. In contrast to sgp4, cysgp4 can work well with arrays of TLEs and observing times and make use of multi-core platforms (via OpenMP) to boost processing times a lot.

Using cysgp4#

The Python package cysgp4 provides a relatively thin wrapper around the C++ SGP4 Satellite Library on the one hand, but on the other hand also contains some higher-level functions, which make it possible to bulk-process satellite orbits with few lines of code.

Option 1: C++ SGP4 library wrapper#

The package provides the following Classes.


PyDateTime specifies a datetime. Various conversions are provided for convenience, from and to Modified Julian Date (MJD), Python’s datetime class, so-called “ticks”, which are the number of micro-seconds since 1. January 0001, 00:00, but also the TLE-epoch format.


TLE epochs have a very strange format: first two digits are the year, next three digits are the day from beginning of year, then the fraction of a day is given, e.g. 20180.25 would be 2020, day 180, 6 hours ( probably UT as no timezone is mentioned). See also Two-line element strings (TLE) or Celestrak.

There are several possibilities to create a PyDateTime object, e.g.:

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> from cysgp4 import PyDateTime

>>> # from Python's datetime
>>> dt = datetime(2019, 1, 1, 12, 13, 14)
>>> pydt = PyDateTime(dt)
>>> pydt
<PyDateTime: 2019-01-01 12:13:14.000000 UTC>

>>> # from Modified Julian Date
>>> mjd = 56458.123
>>> pydt = PyDateTime.from_mjd(mjd)
>>> pydt
<PyDateTime: 2013-06-15 02:57:07.199999 UTC>

>>> # from "Ticks"
>>> ticks = 58628880000000000  # aka MJD zero point
>>> pydt = PyDateTime.from_ticks(ticks)
>>> pydt
<PyDateTime: 1858-11-17 00:00:00.000000 UTC>

Accessing and modifying the date and time is done via the following properties and methods:

>>> print(pydt.datetime)
1858-11-17 00:00:00
>>> pydt.datetime = datetime(2010, 5, 1, 0, 10, 20)

>>> print(pydt.mjd)
>>> pydt.mjd = 55489.01358

>>> print(pydt.ticks)
>>> pydt.ticks = 63681941594000000

>>> observer_longitude = 6.67  # degrees
>>> print('GMST: {:9.6f} hours'.format(pydt.gmst()))
GMST:  4.959715 hours
>>> print('LMST: {:9.6f} hours'.format(pydt.lmst(observer_longitude)))
LMST:  5.076129 hours

One can also set the date and time manually with the set method.


This helper class holds the Two-line element strings (TLE) and provides access to (some of) its parameters. Although the name suggests that two lines of strings are used, in practice often three lines are defined, the first containing a satellite name (and/or) ID. It is important to note that for many satellites, the corresponding TLEs get outdated quickly. Especially for low earth orbit satellites, one should query up-to-date information at least once per day.

PyTle is only used to parse the TLE strings and store the orbital parameters for use by other SGP4 routines. TLEs can be obtained from many sources, such as Celestrak:

>>> import requests
>>> import cysgp4
>>> url = ''
>>> ctrak_science = requests.get(url).text
>>> all_lines = ctrak_science.split('\r\n')
>>> all_lines[:3]  
['AKEBONO (EXOS-D)        ',
 '1 19822U 89016A   19331.07700297  .00016037  93960-6  28103-3 0  9992',
 '2 19822  75.0289 316.1359 1764871 261.4338  78.3806 12.01292738 15108']
>>> tle_list = list(zip(*tuple(
...     all_lines[idx::3]
...     for idx in range(3)
...     )))
>>> len(tle_list)  
>>> print(*tle_list[1], sep='\n')  
1 20580U 90037B   19321.38711875  .00000471  00000-0  17700-4 0  9991
2 20580  28.4699 288.8102 0002495 321.7771 171.5855 15.09299865423838


As the above code example will download the latest (daily!) TLE from Celestrak, you’ll be seeing a different set of numbers.

Because re-structuring the TLE text from the download or file into a list of tuples is often needed, there is a utility routine to do just that

>>> tle_list = cysgp4.tle_tuples_from_text(ctrak_science)

And it will do the exact same thing. For testing, cysgp4 has one example TLE file onboard:

>>> ctrak_science = cysgp4.get_example_tles()
>>> ctrak_science[:200]
'AKEBONO (EXOS-D)        \r\n1 19822U 89016A   19321.49921565  .00016421  94291-6  28704-3 0  9992\r\n2 19822  75.0304 327.7460 1766579 276.4058  63.9734 12.00957719 13956\r\nHST                     \r\n1 2058'

>>> tle_list = cysgp4.tle_tuples_from_text(ctrak_science)
>>> tle_list  
[('AKEBONO (EXOS-D)        ',
  '1 19822U 89016A   19321.49921565  .00016421  94291-6  28704-3 0  9992',
  '2 19822  75.0304 327.7460 1766579 276.4058  63.9734 12.00957719 13956'),
 ('HST                     ',
  '1 20580U 90037B   19321.38711875  .00000471  00000-0  17700-4 0  9991',
  '2 20580  28.4699 288.8102 0002495 321.7771 171.5855 15.09299865423838'),
 ('ZHANGZHENG-1 (CSES)     ',
  '1 43194U 18015C   19322.55091545  .00001006  00000-0  48427-4 0  9993',
  '2 43194  97.4135  85.6925 0016973 127.3937   1.4087 15.20935646 99453')]

Now, let’s feed this into PyTle:

>>> hst_tle = cysgp4.PyTle(*tle_list[1])
>>> hst_tle
<PyTle: HST                     >
>>> print(hst_tle)
Norad Number:         20580
Int. Designator:      90037B
Epoch:                2019-11-17 09:17:27.060000 UTC
Orbit Number:         42383
Mean Motion Dt2:        0.00000471
Mean Motion Ddt6:       0.00000000
Eccentricity:           0.00024950
BStar:                  0.00001770
Inclination:           28.46990000
Right Ascending Node: 288.81020000
Argument Perigee:     321.77710000
Mean Anomaly:         171.58550000
Mean Motion:           15.09299865


This is one of three coordinate frames, which are implemented. The Geodetic frame is the same as the well-known geographic longitude and latitude, plus an altitude above Earth’s surface. As such, it is fixed to the (rotating) Earth, in contrast to the ECI system (see below).


The Geodetic frame goes usually along with a specific definition of the Geoid (Earth’s ellipsoid). For many application, the WGS84 is used. However, most TLEs, which can be downloaded, still use WGS72. The underlying C++ SGP4 Satellite Library unfortunately has the WGS72 hardcoded.

Constructing and using a PyCoordGeodetic object is straightforward:

>>> from cysgp4 import PyCoordGeodetic

>>> lon_deg, lat_deg = 6.88375, 50.525
>>> alt_km = 0.366
>>> geo = PyCoordGeodetic(lon_deg, lat_deg, alt_km)
>>> geo
<PyCoordGeodetic: 6.8838d, 50.5250d, 0.3660km>

>>> # Access is also possible via properties, e.g.:
>>> geo.lon
>>> geo.alt = 0.4


The PyEci class holds an ECI location (latitude, longitude, altitude) for a particular datetime. Note, internally, the coordinates (and velocities) are stored in Cartesian form (read-only!). One can access these, via the loc and vel properties. Setting new parameters is only possible via a geographic location, i.e., via PyCoordGeodetic, which is then converted to Cartesian ECI based on the provided PyDateTime:

>>> from cysgp4 import PyEci, PyCoordGeodetic, PyDateTime

>>> pydt = PyDateTime.from_mjd(55555.)
>>> lon_deg, lat_deg = 6.88375, 50.525
>>> alt_km = 0.366
>>> geo = PyCoordGeodetic(lon_deg, lat_deg, alt_km)
>>> eci = PyEci(pydt, geo)
>>> eci
<PyEci: 6.8837d, 50.5250d, 0.3660km 2010-12-25 00:00:00.000000 UTC>

>>> # Access is also possible via properties, e.g.:
>>> eci.loc  # read-only!  
(-725.3304166274728, 3997.924210010933, 4900.402205553537)
>>> eci.vel  # read-only!  
(-0.2915332651982093, -0.05289193431368386, 0.0)
>>> eci.pydt = PyDateTime.from_mjd(55556.)

>>> # or the update method:
>>> eci.update(pydt, PyCoordGeodetic(0, 0, 0))


The third of the three coordinate frames is the topocentric frame (or horizontal frame), which is provided by PyCoordTopocentric. It holds a topocentric location (azimuth, elevation, range/distance and distance/range rate).


The topocentric position of a satellite is always relative to an observer (in SGP4 the observer is defined in geographic coordinates). The distance and distance change (aka range rate) is thus the distance between the satellite and the observer. However, PyCoordTopocentric only holds the azimuth, elevation, distance and distance rate parameters, but contains no information on the observer. It is only useful in conjuction with a PyObserver ( which holds a reference to a geographic location) and a datetime; see also the discussion of Satellite here: Satellite interface.

Constructing and using a PyCoordTopocentric object is straightforward:

>>> from cysgp4 import PyCoordTopocentric

>>> az_deg, el_deg = 130.1, 10.53
>>> dist_km, dist_rate_kms = 1200., 0.03
>>> topo = PyCoordTopocentric(az_deg, el_deg, dist_km, dist_rate_kms)
>>> topo
<PyCoordTopocentric: 130.1000d, 10.5300d, 1200.0000km, 0.0300km/s>

>>> # Access is also possible via properties, e.g.:
>>> topo.dist = 1000.


The PyObserver class holds the location (as PyEci) of an observer.


Usually, a PyDateTime is attached to an ECI location in the underlying C++ SGP4 Satellite Library. However, PyObserver does not allow to specify the datetime and internally it is always set to zero.

Using PyObserver is similar to working with PyCoordGeodetic:

>>> from cysgp4 import PyObserver, PyCoordGeodetic

>>> lon_deg, lat_deg = 6.88375, 50.525
>>> alt_km = 0.366
>>> obs = PyObserver(lon_deg, lat_deg, alt_km)
>>> obs
<PyObserver: 6.8838d, 50.5250d, 0.3660km>

>>> # Access is also possible via location property:
>>> obs.loc
<PyCoordGeodetic: 6.8838d, 50.5250d, 0.3660km>
>>> obs.loc = PyCoordGeodetic(1, 2, 3)

We will see in the next section, how the observer interplays with the satellite orbit calculation.

Satellite interface#

With the Satellite class, one can calculate positions of a satellite at given times. Here, the satellite is defined via an TLE (see PyTle). Furthermore, to be able to calculate apparent positions of the satellite, an observer (see PyObserver) needs to be defined. The position calculations are lazy, i.e., only calculated if the newly requested time differs by a certain amount from the last time at which a calculation was performed. The granularity of this “cache” can be defined via the mjd_cache_resolution parameter.

The following demonstrates how a typical use of the Satellite class would look like:

>>> from cysgp4 import *

>>> # Specify a datetime, for which the satellite position is desired
>>> pydt = PyDateTime.from_mjd(58805.57)

>>> # Define the observer...
>>> lon_deg, lat_deg = 6.88375, 50.525
>>> alt_km = 0.366
>>> obs = PyObserver(lon_deg, lat_deg, alt_km)

>>> # ... and TLE (i.e., satellite parameters)
>>> hst_tle = PyTle(
... 'HST',
... '1 20580U 90037B   19321.38711875  .00000471  00000-0  17700-4 0  9991',
... '2 20580  28.4699 288.8102 0002495 321.7771 171.5855 15.09299865423838',
... )

>>> # All of this goes into the Satellite constructor
>>> sat = Satellite(hst_tle, obs, pydt)

>>> # We can now query positions...
>>> sat.eci_pos().loc  # ECI cartesian position  
(5879.5931344459295, 1545.7455647032068, 3287.4155452595)
>>> sat.eci_pos().vel  # ECI cartesian velocity  
(-1.8205895517672226, 7.374044252723081, -0.20697960810978586)
>>> sat.geo_pos()  # geographic position  
<PyCoordGeodetic: 112.2146d, 28.5509d, 538.0173km>
>>> sat.topo_pos()  # topocentric position  
<PyCoordTopocentric: 60.2453d, -35.6845d, 8314.5681km, 3.5087km/s>

>>> # ... also for different times, also for different times
>>> sat.mjd += 1 / 720.  # one minute later
>>> sat.topo_pos()  
<PyCoordTopocentric: 54.8446d, -38.2749d, 8734.9196km, 3.4885km/s>
>>> sat.topo_pos().az, sat.topo_pos().el  
(54.84463503781068, -38.274852915850126)

>>> # Change by less than cache resolution (1 ms) produces the same result
>>> sat.mjd += 0.0005 / 86400.  # 0.5 ms
>>> sat.topo_pos().az, sat.topo_pos().el  
(54.84463503781068, -38.274852915850126)

>>> # Change by another 0.5 ms triggers re-calculation
>>> sat.mjd += 0.00051 / 86400.
>>> sat.topo_pos().az, sat.topo_pos().el  
(54.844568313870965, -38.274885794151324)

Option 2: Batch calculations#

All of the above can of course be combined with for-loops to process many different times, or several satellites. And this would be reasonably fast. However, as the wrapper around C++ SGP4 Satellite Library is powered with Cython it was possible to do implement the for-loops directly in Cython to reach C-level speed. Furthermore, OpenMP can parallelize the computation such that it makes use of multi-core platforms.

The batch processing is implemented with the propagate_many function. We start by defining datetimes (as MJDs), observers, and TLEs:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from cysgp4 import PyTle, PyObserver, propagate_many
>>> from cysgp4 import get_example_tles, tles_from_text

>>> tle_text = get_example_tles()
>>> tles = np.array(tles_from_text(tle_text))
>>> observers = np.array([
...     PyObserver(6.88375, 50.525, 0.366),
...     PyObserver(16.88375, 50.525, 0.366),
...     ])
>>> mjds = np.linspace(58805.5, 58806.5, 1000)  # 1000 time steps

The propagate_many will apply numpy’s broadcasting rules. As in this case all input parameters are arrays, we need to add two (length-1) axes to each of them to make them “compatible” (think of this as an “outer product”. Here we choose to make mjds vary on the 1st axis, tles on the 3rd axis, and observers on the 2nd axis.:

>>> result = propagate_many(
...     mjds[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
...     tles[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :20],  # use first 20 TLEs,
...     observers[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis],
...     )

Here, result is a Python dictionary, with the following entries:

>>> print(sorted(result.keys()))
['eci_pos', 'eci_vel', 'geo', 'topo']

Each entry is an array containing the coordinates of the frame (on the last axis). The broadcasted input arrays form the first axes of the output:

>>> # Shapes are as follows
>>> print(np.broadcast(
...     mjds[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
...     tles[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :20],  # use first 20 TLEs,
...     observers[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis],
...     ).shape)
(1000, 2, 20)
>>> print(result['eci_pos'].shape, result['topo'].shape)
(1000, 2, 20, 3) (1000, 2, 20, 4)
>>> # First mjd, first sat, first observer:
>>> print('{:.3f} {:.3f} {:.3f}'.format(*result['eci_pos'][0, 0, 0]))
6611.457 -4125.652 762.758
>>> print('{:.3f} {:.3f} {:.3f} {:.3f}'.format(*result['topo'][0, 0, 0]))
90.982 -34.119 9361.523 -2.074

>>> # One can also skip over coordinate frames.
>>> result = propagate_many(
...     mjds[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
...     tles[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :20],  # use first 20 TLEs,
...     observers[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis],
...     do_eci_pos=False, do_eci_vel=False, do_geo=False, do_topo=True
...     )
>>> print(sorted(result.keys()))


Because we make use of Cython, cysgp4 turns out to be really fast. In the following, a few benchmarks are run. First, it should be mentioned that propagate_many will utilize all CPU cores that are available on your system. It is possible to change that by calling:

>>> num_cores = 1
>>> cysgp4.set_num_threads(num_cores)  # set desired number of cores

With the Python timeit package, it is possible to do some speed testing. We can also try out, how well the parallelization is working:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import cysgp4
>>> import timeit

>>> def prepare_arrays():
...     tle_text = cysgp4.get_example_tles()
...     tles = np.array(cysgp4.tles_from_text(tle_text))
...     observers = np.array([
...         cysgp4.PyObserver(6.88375, 50.525, 0.366),
...         cysgp4.PyObserver(16.88375, 50.525, 0.366),
...         ])
...     mjds = np.linspace(58805.5, 58806.5, 1000)  # 1000 time steps
...     return (
...         mjds[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis],
...         tles[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :],
...         observers[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis],
...         )

>>> mjds, tles, observers = prepare_arrays()

>>> for num_cores in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16]:  
...     cysgp4.set_num_threads(num_cores)
...     run_times = timeit.Timer(
...         'cysgp4.propagate_many(mjds, tles, observers)',
...         globals=globals()
...         ).repeat(3, number=10)  # do 3 repeats, 10 runs each
...     print('{:2d} cores: {:.2f} seconds (best of three)'.format(
...           num_cores, min(run_times)))
 1 cores: 7.16 seconds (best of three)
 2 cores: 3.63 seconds (best of three)
 4 cores: 1.86 seconds (best of three)
 8 cores: 0.99 seconds (best of three)
16 cores: 0.58 seconds (best of three)

How does this relate to using Python for-loops with the wrapped classes (see Option 1: C++ SGP4 library wrapper)? There is a function, propagate_many_slow that does exactly that and is merely included in the package for benchmarking. You can see its source code here. We can compare this to the faster routine like this:

>>> run_times = timeit.Timer(  
...     'cysgp4.propagate_many_slow(mjds, tles, observers)',
...     globals=globals()
...     ).repeat(3, number=10)  # do 3 repeats, 10 runs each
>>> print('slow version: {:.2f} seconds (best of three)'.format(
...       min(run_times)))  
slow version: 74.94 seconds (best of three)

Last but not least, we are interested in a comparison with the well-known sgp4 Python package (by Brandon Rhodes). Again, for the sole purpose of benchmarking, a function was added, which uses sgp4 but has the same interface as propagate_many. The source code of propagate_many_sgp4 is available in the manual, as well. Here are the results:

>>> run_times = timeit.Timer(  
...     'cysgp4.propagate_many_sgp4(mjds, tles, observers)',
...     globals=globals()
...     ).repeat(3, number=10)  # do 3 repeats, 10 runs each
>>> print('sgp4 version: {:.2f} seconds (best of three)'.format(
...       min(run_times)))  
sgp4 version: 236.46 seconds (best of three)

As you can see, there is some significant speed-up to be gained.

See Also#


cysgp4 Package#


eci_to_geo(eci_x, eci_y, eci_z, mjds)

geo_to_eci(lon, lat, alt, mjds)


Return a text with example TLE entries for testing purposes.

lookangles(sat_pos_x, sat_pos_y, sat_pos_z, ...)

propagate_many(mjds, tles[, observers, ...])

Calculate positions of many satellites at a various times at once.

propagate_many_slow(mjds, tles[, observers, ...])

This is a slow (non-parallelized, Python-looping) version of propagate_many that is meant for testing and benchmarking only.

satellite_mean_motion(double alt_km, ...)

Mean motion of satellite at altitude in Earth's gravitational field.

set_num_threads(int nthreads)

Change maximum number of threads to use.


tle_checksum(unicode line)

Compute checksum of a TLE line string.


Generate TLE strings from orbital parameters.

tle_tuples_from_text(unicode tle_text)

Split a text containing TLE strings (including Name or ID, i.e., three lines per entry) into list of TLE tuples.

tles_from_text(unicode tle_text)


PyCoordGeodetic(double lon_deg=0, ...)

Thin wrapper around sgp4 (C++) CoordGeodetic struct.

PyCoordTopocentric(double az_deg=0, ...)

Thin wrapper around sgp4 (C++) CoordTopocentric struct.

PyDateTime([dt, init])

Thin wrapper around sgp4 (C++) DateTime class.

PyEci(PyDateTime pydt=None, ...)

Thin wrapper around sgp4 (C++) Eci class.

PyObserver(double lon_deg=0, ...)

Thin wrapper around sgp4 (C++) Observer class.

PyTle(name, line_one, line_two)

Thin wrapper around sgp4 (C++) Tle class.

Satellite(PyTle tle, PyObserver obs=None, ...)

Calculate position of a satellite at a given time.