
class cygrid.SlGrid#

Bases: Cygrid

Sight line version of Cygrid.

The sight line gridder can be used to resample input data to any collection of output coordinates. For example, one could grid to the ( list of) HEALPix grid pixel coordinates, or just extract spectra from a large 3D survey on selected positions (not necessarily aligned with the pixels).

sl_lons, sl_latsnumpy.ndarray (float64), 1D

Coordinates of sight lines to grid onto.

dbg_messagesBoolean, optional (Default: False)

Do debugging output.

datacubearray [nD] of float32 or float64, optional (Default: None)

Provide pre-allocated or even pre-filled array for datacube.

Usually (if datacube=None, the default) a datacube object will be created automatically according to the given FITS header dictionary (for the spatial part) and the dimensions of the input raw data to be gridded (see also grid). Providing datacube manually might be worthwhile if some kind of repeated/ iterative gridding process is desired. However, for almost all use cases it will be sufficient to repeatedly call the grid method. Cygrid won’t clear the memory itself initially, so make sure to handle this correctly.

weightcubearray [nD] of float32 or float64, optional (Default: None)

As datacube but for the weight array.

dtypefloat32 or float64 (Default: float32)

Desired output format of data cube (if cygrid is allocating this; otherwise, the dtype of the input datacube provided to the constructor takes precedence).


Input datacube/weightcube must be numpy array. Input datacube must have floating point type. Weightcube dtype doesn’t match datacube dtype.


Datacube/weightcube shape doesn’t match sight line dimensions.


The following provides a minimal example. For more detailed information we refer to the user manual or the Jupyter tutorial notebooks:

from import fits
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cygrid

# read-in data, lon/lat are 1D, input_signal has 2nd dimension: 1,
# i.e., we are not gridding spectra but single values
input_lon, input_lat, input_signal = get_data()

# prepare gridder
kernelsize_sigma = 0.2

kernel_type = 'gauss1d'
kernel_params = (kernelsize_sigma, )  # must be a tuple
kernel_support = 3 * kernelsize_sigma
hpx_maxres = kernelsize_sigma / 2

mygridder = cygrid.SlGrid(target_lon, target_lat)

# do the actual gridding
mygridder.grid(input_lon, input_lat, input_signal)
target_signal = gridder.get_datacube()

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.scatter(target_lon, target_lat, c=target_signal)

Methods Summary


Clear all internal caches/dictionaries.


Reset data and weights arrays.


Return final data.


Return final unweighted data.


Return final weights.

grid(self, ndarray lons, ndarray lats, ...)

Grid irregularly positioned data points (spectra) into the data cube.

set_kernel(self, kernel_type, kernel_params, ...)

Set the gridding kernel type and parameters.

set_num_threads(self, int nthreads)

Change maximum number of threads to use.

Methods Documentation


Clear all internal caches/dictionaries.


To speed-up processing, cygrid uses internal caches (see Cygrid paper for details). This is usually a minor contribution to the total memory usage, but there could be scenarios, e.g., when one grids into very large maps having very small pixel sizes, that the internal cache grows too much. In this case, we recommend to sort the input data by latitude, grid the data in chunks, and call this function every now and then.


Reset data and weights arrays. (Caches stay filled!)


Return final data.

dataarray [nD] of float32 or float64

The gridded spectral data.


  • The actual shape of the returned array depends on the input raw data signal shape and the target pixel array size.


Return final unweighted data. (For debugging only.)

unweighted_dataarray [nD] of float32 or float64

The gridded spectral unweighted data. The gridded data is the quotient of the unweighted data and the weights.


  • The actual shape of the returned array depends on the input raw data signal shape and the target pixel array size.


Return final weights.

weightsarray [nD] of float32 or float64

The gridded spectral weights.


  • The actual shape of the returned array depends on the input raw data signal shape and the target pixel array size.

grid(self, ndarray lons, ndarray lats, ndarray data, ndarray weights=None)#

Grid irregularly positioned data points (spectra) into the data cube.

After successful gridding, you can obtain the resulting datacube with the get_datacube method. The associated weight cube is accessible with get_weights.

lons, latsarray [1D] of float64

Flat lists/arrays of input coordinates \((l, b)\).

data/weightsarray [nD] of float32 or float64

The spectra and their weights (optional) for each of the given coordinate pairs, \((l, b)\). First axis must match lons/lats size. The shape of the input data will determine the output datacube shape: the first axes of the datacube will match the ( raw) data (aka input signal) shape - only the first dimension is being stripped as it is associated with the number of coordinate pairs -, while the last axes match the shape of the target pixel array (e.g., the shape of the target map).


Input coordinates/data points length mismatch. Number of spectral channels mismatch.


  • Internally, cygrid always works with a 3D representation of the data cube, i.e., with (possibly redundant) spectral axis. However, as the original shape is stored, the gridded data returned by get_datacube will always be consistent with the input raw data signal (in terms of dimensions).

  • All input parameters need to be C-contiguous (cygrid will re-cast if necessary).

set_kernel(self, kernel_type, kernel_params, double sphere_radius, double hpx_max_resolution)#

Set the gridding kernel type and parameters.


Set the kernel type.

The following names/types are available: ‘gauss1d’, ‘gauss2d’, ‘tapered_sinc’ (see Notes for details)


Set the kernel parameters for the chosen type (see Notes for details)


Kernel sphere radius.

This is controls out to which distance the kernel is computed for. For Gaussian kernels, values much larger than \(3\ldots4 \sigma_\mathrm{k}\) do not make much sense.


Maximum acceptable HPX resolution (\(\sigma_\mathrm{k}^{[\mathrm{maj}]} / 2\) is a reasonable value).


Below you find a list of kernel-names and required parameters:

'gauss1d', (kernel_sigma,)
'gauss2d', (kernel_sigma_maj, kernel_sigma_min, PA)
'tapered_sinc', (kernel_sigma, param_a, param_b)

All numbers are in units of degrees, except for PA, param_a and param_b. PA (the position angle) is in units of radians (for efficiency). param_a and param_b should be 2.52 and 1.55, respectively, for optimal results!

The kernel size (sigma) defines the amount of “smoothness” applied to the data. If in doubt a good value is about 50% of the true/input angular resolution of the data (this will result in about 10% degradation of the final angular resolution.)

set_num_threads(self, int nthreads)#

Change maximum number of threads to use.

This is a convenience function, to call omp_set_num_threads(), which is otherwise not possible during runtime from Python.