.. user-manual: ****************** Cygrid user manual ****************** .. currentmodule:: cygrid Introduction ============ `Cygrid` allows to resample a number of spectra (or data points) to a regular grid - a data cube - using any valid astronomical FITS/WCS projection (see `~astropy.wcs`). The method is a based on serialized convolution with finite gridding kernels. Currently, only Gaussian (radial-symmetric or elliptical) kernels are provided (which has the drawback of slight degradation of the effective resolution). The algorithm has very small memory footprint, allows easy parallelization, and is very fast. Cygrid is already used in several "production" systems, for example it was utilized for two major 21-cm HI surveys, EBHIS and HI4PI. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee that it's completely bug-free. We kindly invite you to use the library and we are grateful for feedback. Note, that work on the documentation is still ongoing. The `~cygrid` package is available for Linux, Windows, and MacOS operating systems. To improve computation speed, the `OpenMP technology `_ is used. Therefore, a suitable C++ compiler must be installed on your system, if you build from source. For convenience, we also provide packages for the `Anaconda Python distribution `_. Data gridding ------------- Gridding data is a ubiquitous task in many scientific applications, for example to make maps from measured raw data sets in astronomy or geographic information systems (GIS). Therefore, it is not surprising that also the popular `~scipy` library provides a function, `~scipy.interpolate.griddata`, which can be used for this purpose: .. from https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.18.1/reference/generated/scipy.interpolate.griddata.html .. plot:: :include-source: # Example adapted from "scipy.interpolate.griddata" docs import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.interpolate import griddata def func(x, y): return ( x * (1 - x) * np.cos(4 * np.pi * x) * np.sin(4 * np.pi * y ** 2) ** 2 ) grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[0:1:100j, 0:1:200j] # generate some data points = np.random.rand(1000, 2) values = func(points[:,0], points[:,1]) gridded = griddata( points, values, (grid_x, grid_y), method='cubic' ) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6)) ax1.imshow( func(grid_x, grid_y).T, extent=(0,1,0,1), origin='lower' ) ax1.plot(points[:,0], points[:,1], 'k.', ms=1) ax1.set_title('Original') ax2.imshow(gridded.T, extent=(0,1,0,1), origin='lower') ax2.set_title('Cubic interpolation') plt.show() The points in the left panel show the positions, where the underlying function was sampled. As can be seen in the right panel, `~scipy.interpolate.griddata` does a good job in estimating the function values (on a regular grid) from these irregularly sampled points. But what happens, if we add noise to the sampled data? Obviously, the gridded data will somehow be affected by the decreased signal-to-noise ratio and may not be a good description of the original (noise-free) function anymore. One possible counter could be to sample (aka observe) the function at more positions, because this should increase the signal-to-noise ratio in the gridded map. Unfortunately, the `~scipy.interpolate.griddata` algorithm doesn't work this way:: # generate some data sigma = 0.01 # or 0.1 nsize = 1000 # or 100000 points = np.random.rand(nsize, 2) noise = np.random.normal(0, sigma, nsize) values = func(points[:,0], points[:,1]) + noise grid_and_plot(...) .. plot:: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.interpolate import griddata def func(x, y): return x*(1-x)*np.cos(4*np.pi*x) * np.sin(4*np.pi*y**2)**2 grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[0:1:100j, 0:1:200j] fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 12)) for ax, (sigma, nsize) in zip(axes.flatten(), [ (0.01, 1000), (0.01, 100000), (0.1, 1000), (0.1, 100000) ]): points = np.random.rand(nsize, 2) noise = np.random.normal(0, sigma, nsize) values = func(points[:,0], points[:,1]) + noise gridded = griddata(points, values, (grid_x, grid_y), method='cubic') ax.imshow(gridded.T, extent=(0,1,0,1), origin='lower', vmin=-0.3, vmax=0.3) ax.set_title('nsize: {:d}, sigma: {:.2f}'.format(nsize, sigma)) plt.show() With a significantly small number of samples or too much noise (e.g., lower left panel), the gridded data is a very bad representation of the underlying function. But even with a large input sample size, the `~scipy.interpolate.griddata` algorithm produces strange outliers in the gridded map (bottom right panel), but at least one can still see traces of the original function. Convolution based gridding -------------------------- One gridding algorithm, which does a better job at this, is so-called convolutional gridding. The idea behind this method is relatively simple. The raw data samples (which are located at irregular coordinates) are convolved with a kernel function, and then the result is computed at the position of the pixel centers of the desired regular grid cells. If a Gaussian is used as kernel, one can safe a lot of computing time, because each raw data sample will only influence the output grid cells in within a certain sphere around the raw-sample position. Mathematically, this approach can be described by the following formula: .. math:: R_{i,j}[s]=\frac{1}{W_{i,j}}\sum_n R_n[s](\alpha_n,\delta_n)w(\alpha_{i,j},\delta_{i,j};\alpha_n,\delta_n)\,. where: .. math:: W_{i,j}\equiv\sum_n w(\alpha_{i,j},\delta_{i,j};\alpha_n,\delta_n)\,, is called the weight map. Here, :math:`R_n [s]` and :math:`R_{i,j}[s]` are two different representations of the true signal :math:`s`. The index :math:`n` runs over the list of all input samples, with respective coordinates :math:`(\alpha_n,\delta_n)`, while the regular output grid can be parametrized via pixel coordinates :math:`(i,j)` with associated world coordinates :math:`(\alpha_{i,j}, \delta_{i,j})`. The value of the weighting kernel :math:`w` depends only on the input and output coordinates. In most cases a radially symmetric kernel is applied, such that: .. math:: w(\alpha_{i,j},\delta_{i,j};\alpha_n,\delta_n)=w\left(\mathcal{D}(\alpha_{i,j},\delta_{i,j};\alpha_n,\delta_n)\right) with the distance :math:`\mathcal{D}` between a pixel center world coordinate, :math:`(\alpha_{i,j}, \delta_{i,j})`, and the :math:`n`-th input coordinate, :math:`(\alpha_n,\delta_n)`. Since once usually doesn't want to keep all raw data samples in memory, we use two helper maps. While we iterate over the samples (sum over :math:`n`), we compute the products :math:`R_n[s](\alpha_n,\delta_n)w(\alpha_{i,j},\delta_{i, j};\alpha_n,\delta_n)` for all pixels :math:`(i, j)` within a sphere around the :math:`(\alpha_n,\delta_n)` position, and add them to an empty array `A[i,j]`, which can be identified with :math:`R_{i,j}[s]\cdot W_{i,j}`. Simultaneously, we do the same for the weighting factors and add these to another array `B[i,j]` aka the weight map, :math:`W_{i,j}`. When all raw data samples have been processed, the two resulting arrays are divided (`A[i,j] / B[i,j]`), which gives :math:`R_{i,j}`. .. note:: In fact, `~cygrid` follows a slightly different approach internally, caching some intermediary values, to allow multi-threaded processing. For details, please see the `Cygrid paper`_. .. note:: In one of our `Jupyter tutorial notebooks `_ we made an animation that demonstrates how the algorithm works step-by-step. The cygrid algorithm ==================== The great advantage of the approach described above, is, that it can be straightforwardly applied to spherical geometry, which is necessary for map making in geographic information systems and astronomy. The sampled coordinates are often the longitude and latitude on a sphere, while one wants to display the map in rectangular coordinates. Therefore, a certain map projections has to be specified, as well. However, there are libraries to easily convert between the world coordinates (longitude and latitude) and pixel coordinates (:math:`i` and :math:`j`), such as `~astropy.wcs`. Then one only needs to use the true-angular distance function instead instead of the simple Cartesian distance and the above formulas can be applied. Of course, in practice there is a little bit more to it. One has to deal with edge effects and the double-sum over all :math:`n` and :math:`(i, j)` is a deal breaker for non-trivial map sizes. One can use a kernel function with finite support, though, and restrict the summation to those input samples :math:`n` that contribute significantly to :math:`(i, j)` (in spherical coordinates, it is not an easy task to identify pixels within a certain sphere!). On top of that, cygrid uses some clever cashing techniques and can profit from multi-core CPUs to further increase the computational speed of the gridding process. For details, we refer to the `Cygrid paper`_. Comparison with scipy.griddata ------------------------------- After reading all of the above, you're now probably curious, how `~cygrid` compares to `~scipy.interpolate.griddata`. Here is the result: .. plot:: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import cygrid def func(x, y): return x*(1-x)*np.cos(4*np.pi*x) * np.sin(4*np.pi*y**2)**2 grid_x, grid_y = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(0, 1, 100), np.linspace(0, 1, 100) ) fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(12, 12)) for ax, (sigma, nsize) in zip(axes.flatten(), [ (0.01, 1000), (0.01, 100000), (0.1, 1000), (0.1, 100000) ]): points = np.random.rand(2, nsize) noise = np.random.normal(0, sigma, nsize) values = func(points[0], points[1]) + noise gridder = cygrid.SlGrid(grid_x.flatten(), grid_y.flatten()) kernelsize_fwhm = 0.05 kernelsize_sigma = kernelsize_fwhm / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)) sphere_radius = 3. * kernelsize_sigma gridder.set_kernel( 'gauss1d', (kernelsize_sigma,), sphere_radius, kernelsize_sigma / 2. ) gridder.grid(points[0], points[1], values) gridded = gridder.get_datacube().reshape(grid_x.shape) ax.imshow(gridded, extent=(0,1,0,1), origin='lower', vmin=-0.3, vmax=0.3) ax.set_title('nsize: {:d}, sigma: {:.2f}'.format(nsize, sigma)) plt.show() We think, it is fair to say that `~cygrid` produces much better result for these complicated situations. .. note:: Here we have made the approximation, that the input coordinates (ranging from 0 to 1 are in angles on the sphere (in degrees), and not the linear Cartesian coordinates. However, for small angles the distortion is negligible.) .. _angular-resolution-label: Angular resolution ------------------ Because `~cygrid` is based on convolution with a (typically) Gaussian kernel, the effective angular resolution of the data is degraded: .. math:: \sigma_\mathrm{out}^2 = \sigma_\mathrm{in}^2 + \sigma_k^2 where :math:`\sigma_\mathrm{out}` is the standard deviation of the resulting effective beam width (given it's Gaussian), :math:`\sigma_\mathrm{in}` is the width of the input beam, and :math:`\sigma_{k}` is the width of the kernel. Therefore, `~cygrid` may not be the first choice if it comes to the task of re-projecting data (see :ref:`reprojection-label`). .. note:: One can convert between the standard-deviation width and the FWHM via :math:`\sigma = \mathrm{FWHM} / \sqrt{8\ln2}`. A good practical compromise is often to let the kernel be about half the size of the input resolution, because then the resulting resolution is only degraded by about 10%. There are several additional considerations, which play a role. The kernel must not be too narrow, especially if the input data are not sufficiently densely sampled. Each raw data sample can only "reach" output grid pixels that are well within an angular distance of :math:`<3\sigma_k`. Furthermore, the output pixel grid must be fine enough to warrant full sampling of the output signal: :math:`\Delta p\lesssim\mathrm{FWHM}_\mathrm{out}/2\sqrt{2}=\sigma_\mathrm{out}/\sqrt{\ln2}`. We'd even recommend to chose the output grid such that :math:`\Delta p\lesssim\mathrm{FWHM}_k/2\sqrt{2}=\sigma_k/\sqrt{\ln2}`. This is because for performance reasons `~cygrid` does compute the kernel function values only for the pixel centers, and doesn't perform numerical integration over the pixel area. Of course, this leads to a certain numerical inaccuracy, but if the output pixel grid supports full sampling of the kernel, the errors are on an acceptable level. For further details we refer to the `Cygrid paper`_. Under some circumstances, the decrease in angular resolution is even desirable. If one wants to compare two data sets with different angular resolution, it is possible to smooth the higher-resolution data to the lower-resolution map by choosing :math:`\sigma_k^2=\sigma_\mathrm{low}^2 - \sigma_\mathrm{high}^2`. .. _kernel-parameters-label: Kernel parameters --------------------------------- Apart from choosing a proper kernel size (see :ref:`angular-resolution-label`), one can use three different weighting functions, `gauss1d`, `gauss2d`, and `tapered_sinc`. Despite its name, `gauss1d` refers to a two-dimensional radial-symmetric Gaussian - in contrast to `gauss2d`, which is for an elliptical 2D Gaussian. More information, e.g., which parameters are required for each of the three functions, can be found in the `~cygrid.WcsGrid.set_kernel` method documentation. There are two other necessary parameters, to be provided to the `~cygrid.WcsGrid.set_kernel` method: the kernel sphere radius (or support radius) and the resolution of the internally used `HEALPix `_ grid. The sphere radius should be :math:`3\ldots5\sigma_k` depending on the desired accuracy. As the area of a sphere goes with radius squared, using :math:`5\sigma_k` will take roughly three times longer. The internally HPX resolution defines only some details of the used caches. A good value for this is :math:`\sigma_k/2`. .. _simple-gridding-label: Simple gridding tasks ====================================== Using `~cygrid` consists of four main steps: 1. Reading the raw data, 2. Defining the output coordinate system and frame (by means of `~astropy.wcs`), 3. Setting up the gridder, i.e., the kernel parameters with `~cygrid.WcsGrid.set_kernel`, 4. Feed the raw data into the gridder with the `~cygrid.WcsGrid.grid` method. In the following, we will explain in more detail, how each of the steps works. As `~cygrid` doesn't ship with a large raw data set that could be read-in, we will simply create a mock data set, with the help of a utility function, `~cygrid.produce_mock_data`:: >>> import numpy as np >>> import cygrid >>> from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext >>> mapcenter = 60., 30. # all in degrees >>> mapsize = 5., 5. >>> beamsize_fwhm = 0.1 >>> num_samples = 10 ** 6 >>> num_sources = 20 >>> # see cygrid's manual for a description of the produce_mock_data function >>> with NumpyRNGContext(1): ... lons, lats, signal = cygrid.produce_mock_data( ... mapcenter, mapsize, beamsize_fwhm, num_samples, num_sources ... ) >>> np.set_printoptions(precision=4) >>> if np.__version__ >= '1.14': ... np.set_printoptions(legacy='1.13') >>> print(lons) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [59.473 61.3992 56.8253 ..., 59.957 57.5156 59.176 ] >>> print(lats) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [28.0106 31.0641 30.3142 ..., 28.5785 32.1307 28.8626] >>> print(signal) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [ 0.0856 1.1899 -0.3375 ..., 1.7997 -0.5739 0.0358] .. note:: With the `~astropy.utils.misc.NumpyRNGContext` context, it is possible to specify the seed for all NumPy random numbers. The next step is to define a FITS/`~astropy.wcs.WCS` compatible header that defines the image into which we want to grid the data:: >>> # define target grid (via FITS header according to WCS convention) >>> # a good pixel size is a third of the FWHM of the PSF (avoids aliasing) >>> pixsize = beamsize_fwhm / 3. >>> dnaxis1 = int(mapsize[0] / pixsize) >>> dnaxis2 = int(mapsize[1] / pixsize) >>> target_header = { ... 'NAXIS': 2, ... 'NAXIS1': dnaxis1, ... 'NAXIS2': dnaxis2, ... 'CTYPE1': 'RA---SIN', ... 'CTYPE2': 'DEC--SIN', ... 'CUNIT1': 'deg', ... 'CUNIT2': 'deg', ... 'CDELT1': -pixsize, ... 'CDELT2': pixsize, ... 'CRPIX1': dnaxis1 / 2., ... 'CRPIX2': dnaxis2 / 2., ... 'CRVAL1': mapcenter[0], ... 'CRVAL2': mapcenter[1], ... } This header can be put into the `~cygrid.WcsGrid` constructor, which is the Class that has to be used for this kind of image gridding:: >>> gridder = cygrid.WcsGrid(target_header) Before the gridder is ready to use, one needs to setup the kernel parameters (see also :ref:`kernel-parameters-label`): >>> kernelsize_fwhm = 0.05 # degrees; beam / 2 >>> kernelsize_sigma = kernelsize_fwhm / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)) >>> sphere_radius = 3. * kernelsize_sigma >>> kernel_args = ( ... 'gauss1d', ... (kernelsize_sigma,), ... sphere_radius, ... kernelsize_sigma / 2. ... ) >>> gridder.set_kernel(*kernel_args) Finally, we call the `~cygrid.WcsGrid.grid` method, into which the raw data is fed:: >>> gridder.grid(lons, lats, signal) The result can be queried using the `~cygrid.WcsGrid.get_datacube` method:: >>> gridded_data = gridder.get_datacube() >>> print(gridded_data) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [[ 0.046 -0.0528 0.0258 ..., 0.0111 0.0489 0.1099] [ 0.0432 -0.0907 -0.0964 ..., -0.0131 -0.0469 -0.0357] [ 0.0287 -0.0611 -0.0609 ..., -0.0082 -0.0261 -0.0367] ..., [-0.0321 -0.0177 -0.0347 ..., -0.007 0.1138 0.0903] [-0.1197 -0.0649 -0.0861 ..., -0.0276 0.0781 0.0664] [-0.0828 -0.0677 -0.0645 ..., 0.1029 0.1179 0.0946]] >>> print(gridded_data.shape) (150, 150) .. note:: We follow the standard convention, that the data cube axes are ordered as: `(z, y, x)` (for 3D) or `(y, x)` (for 2D), etc. For many use cases, you will want to save your image to FITS:: >>> from astropy.io import fits >>> fits.writeto('example.fits', header=target_header, data=gridded_data) # doctest: +SKIP We can also plot the result, using the `~astropy.visualization.wcsaxes` package (for convenience, we provide the full script): .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from astropy.wcs import WCS from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext import cygrid mapcenter = 60., 30. # all in degrees mapsize = 5., 5. beamsize_fwhm = 0.1 num_samples = 10 ** 6 num_sources = 20 with NumpyRNGContext(1): lons, lats, signal = cygrid.produce_mock_data( mapcenter, mapsize, beamsize_fwhm, num_samples, num_sources ) pixsize = beamsize_fwhm / 3. dnaxis1 = int(mapsize[0] / pixsize) dnaxis2 = int(mapsize[1] / pixsize) target_header = { 'NAXIS': 2, 'NAXIS1': dnaxis1, 'NAXIS2': dnaxis2, 'CTYPE1': 'RA---SIN', 'CTYPE2': 'DEC--SIN', 'CUNIT1': 'deg', 'CUNIT2': 'deg', 'CDELT1': -pixsize, 'CDELT2': pixsize, 'CRPIX1': dnaxis1 / 2., 'CRPIX2': dnaxis2 / 2., 'CRVAL1': mapcenter[0], 'CRVAL2': mapcenter[1], } gridder = cygrid.WcsGrid(target_header) kernelsize_fwhm = 2.5 / 60. # degrees kernelsize_sigma = kernelsize_fwhm / np.log(8 * np.sqrt(2)) sphere_radius = 3. * kernelsize_sigma gridder.set_kernel( 'gauss1d', (kernelsize_sigma,), sphere_radius, kernelsize_sigma / 2. ) gridder.grid(lons, lats, signal) gridded_map = gridder.get_datacube() target_wcs = gridder.get_wcs() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=target_wcs.celestial) im = ax.imshow( gridded_map, vmin=-0.5, vmax=8.0, origin='lower', interpolation='nearest' ) lon, lat = ax.coords lon.set_axislabel('R.A. [deg]') lat.set_axislabel('Dec [deg]') plt.show() .. note:: If you use `~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` for plotting, you need the `origin='lower'` option to ensure that the result is not vertically flipped. Also we recommend to use `interpolation='nearest'` to avoid additional interpolation of the result by `~matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. .. _3d-label: Gridding spectral data -------------------------------------------------------- Originally, `~cygrid` was developed to grid spectral data. This is also the reason, why internally, everything is treated as if a spectral axis was present. As shown in the simple example above, the user interface works for pure 2D maps in the same way, but under the hood `~cygrid` adds a redundant spectral axis of length One. In fact, if the data to be gridded has even more dimensions, `~cygrid` will internally reshape the work arrays to 3D and after the gridding has finished restore the desired higher-dimensional shape, to make it easy for the user. To handle spectral data, one can still use a 2D FITS image header, or any FITS header, as long as it contains an appropriate spatial description of the target map/cube.:: >>> gridder = cygrid.WcsGrid(target_header) >>> gridder.set_kernel(*kernel_args) We can test this, by concatenating the signal and negative copy of it:: >>> gridder.grid(lons, lats, np.column_stack([signal, -signal])) >>> print(gridder.get_datacube().shape) (2, 150, 150) Likewise, any other dimension is possible, as long as the first axis is compatible with the length of the coordinate arrays:: >>> gridder = cygrid.WcsGrid(target_header) >>> gridder.set_kernel(*kernel_args) >>> signal_3d = np.column_stack([ ... signal ** n for n in range(6) ... ]).reshape((-1, 3, 2)) >>> gridder.grid(lons, lats, signal_3d) >>> print(gridder.get_datacube().shape) (3, 2, 150, 150) As can be seen, the datacube shape is constructed from the shape of the input raw data (signal) and the target map size in the following manner: the first axes are defined by the shape of the input signal (excluding the first dimension), while the last axes are given by the target pixel array ( i.e. map) shape. .. _reprojection-label: How does cygrid compare to re-projection? -------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes one already has a set of gridded data but wants to convert it to another coordinate system or frame/projection. For this, the `reproject package `_ is probably better suited, as it allows to do it without the loss of angular resolution discussed in :ref :angular-resolution-label. However, that doesn't mean that `~cygrid` isn't able to do it. Suppose you have some Planck satellite data of M31 in equatorial coordinates and want to over-plot an image of the HI as observed by `EBHIS `_, which perhaps you have in galactic coordinates, only. To show how this works, we'll query some example data from `NASA SkyView `_ with the help of the awesome `astroquery `_ package.: .. plot:: :context: reset :nofigs: :include-source: :align: center from astropy import units as u from astropy.utils.data import conf from astroquery.skyview import SkyView # Loading data from SkyView can take a while, hence the longer timeout conf.remote_timeout = 60. kwargs = dict( radius=3 * u.deg, pixels='500', scaling='Linear', ) paths = SkyView().get_images( position='10.68471 +41.26875', coordinates='J2000', survey=['Planck 857 I'], **kwargs ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS planck_header, planck_data = paths[0][0].header, paths[0][0].data paths = SkyView().get_images( position='121.174322 -21.573311', coordinates='Galactic', survey=['EBHIS'], **kwargs ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ebhis_header, ebhis_data = paths[0][0].header, paths[0][0].data Let's plot the two maps: .. plot:: :context: :include-source: :align: center from astropy.wcs import WCS import matplotlib.pyplot as plt planck_wcs, ebhis_wcs = WCS(planck_header), WCS(ebhis_header) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1, projection=planck_wcs) ax1.imshow(planck_data, origin='lower') ax1.set_title('Planck 857 GHz') ax1.coords['ra'].set_axislabel('Right Ascension') ax1.coords['dec'].set_axislabel('Declination') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2, projection=ebhis_wcs) ax2.imshow(ebhis_data, origin='lower') ax2.set_title('EBHIS 21-cm HI line') ax2.coords['glon'].set_axislabel('Galactic Longitude') ax2.coords['glat'].set_axislabel('Galactic Latitude') ax2.coords['glat'].set_axislabel_position('r') ax2.coords['glat'].set_ticklabel_position('r') Before the data can be re-gridded, we need to extract the world coordinates of the EBHIS FITS header and convert them to the equatorial system: .. plot:: :context: :nofigs: :include-source: :align: center import numpy as np from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord ebhis_glon_pix, ebhis_glat_pix = np.meshgrid( np.arange(ebhis_header['NAXIS1']), np.arange(ebhis_header['NAXIS2']) ) ebhis_lon_world, ebhis_lat_world = ebhis_wcs.all_pix2world( ebhis_glon_pix, ebhis_glat_pix, 0 ) ebhis_coords_gal = SkyCoord( ebhis_lon_world, ebhis_lat_world, frame='galactic', unit='deg' ) ebhis_coords_eq = ebhis_coords_gal.icrs This seems a bit messy, but if you need this often, just put it into a function. We can now set-up `~cygrid.WcsGrid` and put the EBHIS data into the `~cygrid.WcsGrid.grid` method, as usual: .. plot:: :context: :nofigs: :include-source: :align: center import cygrid gridder = cygrid.WcsGrid(planck_header) # EBHIS resolution is 10.8', but image is strongly oversampled, so we use # a kernel of 0.012 (twice the pixel size) kernelsize_fwhm = 0.012 kernelsize_sigma = kernelsize_fwhm / np.log(8 * np.sqrt(2)) sphere_radius = 4. * kernelsize_sigma gridder.set_kernel( 'gauss1d', (kernelsize_sigma,), sphere_radius, kernelsize_sigma / 2. ) gridder.grid( ebhis_coords_eq.ra.value.flatten(), ebhis_coords_eq.dec.value.flatten(), ebhis_data.flatten() ) ebhis_data_regridded = gridder.get_datacube() .. plot:: :context: :align: center fig.clear() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1, projection=planck_wcs) ax1.imshow(planck_data, origin='lower') ax1.set_title('Planck 857 GHz') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2, projection=planck_wcs) ax2.imshow(ebhis_data_regridded, origin='lower') ax2.set_title('EBHIS 21-cm HI line') for ax in [ax1, ax2]: ax.coords['ra'].set_axislabel('Right Ascension') ax.coords['dec'].set_axislabel('Declination') ax2.coords['ra'].set_axislabel_position('r') ax2.coords['dec'].set_ticklabel_position('r') By coincidence, only a slight rotation was necessary, which is why only few blank pixels are visible at the edges. For convenience, we also show, how to do the same with the `reproject `_ package: .. plot:: :context: :nofigs: :include-source: :align: center from reproject import reproject_interp ebhis_data_reprojected, footprint = reproject_interp( (ebhis_data, ebhis_header), planck_header ) This seems much easier than the `~cygrid` approach, though very similar steps are necessary (they are just encapsulated in the function). The `~cygrid` interface is more low-level in that sense, but this allows much more customization. One common use case would be to smooth the Planck satellite map to the EBHIS angular resolution, for example, which would all certain kinds of analyses, e.g., to compare the flux density per pixel of the two data sets. For the sake of completeness, here are the resulting plots: .. plot:: :context: :align: center fig.clear() ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1, projection=planck_wcs) ax1.imshow(planck_data, origin='lower') ax1.set_title('Planck 857 GHz') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2, projection=planck_wcs) ax2.imshow(ebhis_data_reprojected, origin='lower') ax2.set_title('EBHIS 21-cm HI line') for ax in [ax1, ax2]: ax.coords['ra'].set_axislabel('Right Ascension') ax.coords['dec'].set_axislabel('Declination') ax2.coords['ra'].set_axislabel_position('r') ax2.coords['dec'].set_ticklabel_position('r') Advanced gridding tasks ========================================= Sight-line gridding ------------------- Certainly a less common use case is to employ `~cygrid` to grid a data set to a list of (irregular) coordinates - which makes only sense for true data gridding (and not re-projecting data) or if one needs to change the angular resolution (down-sampling). Another use case would be to create a HEALPix map from a large raw data set. The `~cygrid` sight-line gridder can do all of that, which is demonstrated in `this notebook `_. Here, we explain the interface of the `~cygrid.SlGrid` class. Gridding consists of the same four steps explained in :ref:`simple-gridding-label`, but instead of providing a FITS header, one feeds a list of target coordinate pairs to the constructor:: >>> import numpy as np >>> import cygrid >>> from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext >>> mapcenter = 60., 30. # all in degrees >>> mapsize = 5., 5. >>> beamsize_fwhm = 0.1 >>> num_samples = 10 ** 6 >>> num_sources = 20 >>> # see cygrid's manual for a description of the produce_mock_data function >>> with NumpyRNGContext(1): ... lons, lats, signal = cygrid.produce_mock_data( ... mapcenter, mapsize, beamsize_fwhm, num_samples, num_sources ... ) >>> target_lons = np.array([61., 59.1, 62.7]) >>> target_lats = np.array([28., 30.6, 29.5]) >>> gridder = cygrid.SlGrid(target_lons, target_lats) >>> kernelsize_fwhm = 0.05 >>> kernelsize_sigma = kernelsize_fwhm / np.log(8 * np.sqrt(2)) >>> sphere_radius = 3. * kernelsize_sigma >>> gridder.set_kernel( ... 'gauss1d', ... (kernelsize_sigma,), ... sphere_radius, ... kernelsize_sigma / 2. ... ) >>> gridder.grid(lons, lats, signal) >>> gridded_sightlines = gridder.get_datacube() >>> print( ... 'lon lat sightline-value\n', ... '\n'.join( ... '{:4.1f} {:4.1f} {:6.3f}'.format(*t) ... for t in zip(target_lons, target_lats, gridded_sightlines) ... )) lon lat sightline-value 61.0 28.0 -0.117 59.1 30.6 0.159 62.7 29.5 -0.099 .. _serialization-label: Decrease memory footprint ------------------------- If you have very large raw data sets (e.g., spectral data), chances are high that you can't load them all to your computer's memory and feed them into the `~cygrid.WcsGrid.grid` method in one call. However, `~cygrid` was designed to allow serial data processing, which means one can repeatedly call `~cygrid.WcsGrid.grid` with different chunks of data and they all get gridded to the output datacube:: # set-up target map/datacube mygridder = cygrid.WcsGrid(header) mygridder.set_kernel(...) for chunk in chunks: # user needs to handle reading the data per chunk lon, lat, rawdata = get_data(chunk) mygridder.grid(lon, lat, rawdata) data_cube = mygridder.get_datacube() With this approach, we were able to process the `HI4PI `_ survey, which is several tens of Tbytes of raw data and grid that into a full-sky data cube (about 30 GBytes) in few hours. For this task one still needs a potent workstation (128 GB RAM), but this is due to the large output data cube size. To speed-up processing, `~cygrid` uses internal caches (see `Cygrid paper`_ for details). This is usually a minor contribution to the total memory usage, but there could be scenarios, e.g., when one grids into very large maps having very small pixel sizes, that the internal cache grows too much. In this case, we recommend to sort the input data by latitude, grid the data in chunks, and call `~cygrid.Cygrid.clear_cache` every now and then. (Please follow this recipe only, if you're sure that the internal cache is your problem.) The same approach can also help, if you have rather large gridding kernels, which have sizes of several hundreds or more pixels in the target map (e.g., when you aim for relatively strong smoothing of the data). Elliptical gridding kernels --------------------------- It is also possible to use an elliptical 2D Gaussian kernel, which can be useful, if one wants to smooth interferometric data (often having elliptical beams) to a spherical effective angular resolution. One simply has to choose an appropriate option in the `~cygrid.WcsGrid.set_kernel` method, e.g.:: >>> beam_maj, beam_min, beam_PA = 0.2, 0.1, 30. >>> desired_resolution = 0.25 >>> k_fwhm_maj = np.sqrt(desired_resolution ** 2 - beam_maj ** 2) >>> k_fwhm_min = np.sqrt(desired_resolution ** 2 - beam_min ** 2) >>> print('{:.3f} {:.3f}'.format(k_fwhm_maj, k_fwhm_min)) 0.150 0.229 >>> fwhm_to_sigma = 1 / np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)) >>> k_maj, k_min = k_fwhm_maj * fwhm_to_sigma, k_fwhm_min * fwhm_to_sigma >>> sphere_radius = 3 * k_maj # choose major kernel size >>> internal_hpx_res = 0.5 * k_min # choose minor kernel size >>> gridder.set_kernel( ... 'gauss2d', ... (k_maj, k_min, beam_PA), ... sphere_radius, ... internal_hpx_res ... ) The `beam_PA` is the parallactic angle of the beam. It is non-trivial, to treat this properly, especially on the sphere. For the `Cygrid paper`_ we made a nice example plot, which demonstrates this: .. image:: images/cygrid_demo_zea_elliptical.* :width: 85 % :alt: cygrid elliptical demo Benchmarking ============ From the beginning, `~cygrid` was designed with performance in mind. The algorithm can be run on parallel threads, which allows us to profit from multi-core CPUs. However, much of the speed comes from applying clever methods to avoid unnecessary computations. One example is a fast cached approach to find the relevant map pixels around each raw-data sample position. We did several tests to benchmark `~cygrid`, in which we vary the number of raw data samples or the target map size, and repeat for different numbers of CPU cores. The resulting processing speed is compared vs. the `~scipy.interpolate.griddata` function, which serves as a baseline (although, the `~scipy.interpolate.griddata` function is not really useful for many potential tasks that `~cygrid` can solve, it can be assumed that it is optimized for speed). The following figure shows the processing times for a :math:`5^\circ\times5^\circ` target map. For spectral data (with many spectral channels), running the gridder is mostly limited by the IO speed with which the data can be read from disk. To estimate the influence of the convolution with the kernel, a single-valued signal is gridded (aka a continuum map). The test was repeated for different number of input samples (uniformly distributed over the map), ranging from 1000 to 400 billion(!). The width of the gridding kernel was :math:`\vartheta_\mathrm{fwhm} = 300''`, the map pixel size was :math:`200''`. Below about 200 thousand samples, `~cygrid` was considerably slower than `~scipy.interpolate.griddata` (with "linear" or "cubic" interpolation method), because there is overhead involved with the construction of the internal caches. Beyond this point, and especially, when running `~cygrid` on a multi-core CPU, way faster (more than an order of magnitude with 16 cores). Furthermore, with "linear" and "cubic" interpolation, `~scipy.interpolate.griddata` is limited to 16.7 million samples. The "nearest neighbor" method is faster than `~cygrid` (single-core), but on a dual-core `~cygrid` is competitive, and much faster on quad-cores (once 10+ million samples are gridded). .. image:: images/cygrid_speed_testdensity_scipy.* :width: 85 % :alt: cygrid vs. scipy speed test - fixed field size, increasing density The speed gain for multi-core CPUs is only kicking in once a certain number of samples is involved, but unfortunately it is not linear with the number of cores: .. image:: images/cygrid_speed_testdensity_scipy_perfgain.* :width: 85 % :alt: CPU cores performance gain - fixed field size, increasing density As can be seen, for a 16-core CPU, the speed gain is only about 8-fold (still, for this example, 400 billion samples were finished after only 300 seconds). In a second, more challenging test, we changed the target field size (from :math:`0.1^\circ\times0.1^\circ` to :math:`60^\circ\times60^\circ`). At the same time we increased the number of input samples, such that a constant density of 100 thousand samples per square degrees was maintained: .. image:: images/cygrid_speed_testfieldsize_scipy.* :width: 85 % :alt: cygrid vs. scipy speed test - increasing field size, fixed density .. image:: images/cygrid_speed_testfieldsize_scipy_perfgain.* :width: 85 % :alt: CPU cores performance gain - increasing field size, fixed density See Also ======== - `Cygrid paper `_: B. Winkel, D. Lenz & L. Flöer: *Cygrid: A fast Cython-powered convolution-based gridding module for Python*, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 591, A 12, 2016. - `HEALPix paper `_: K. M. Górski, E. Hivon, A. J. Banday, B. D. Wandelt, F. K. Hansen, M. Reinecke, M. Bartelmann: *HEALPix: A Framework for High-Resolution Discretization and Fast Analysis of Data Distributed on the Sphere*, The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 622, Issue 2, 2005. - `WCSlib paper I `_: E. W. Greisen & M. R. Calabretta: *Representations of world coordinates in FITS*, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 395, p.1061, 2002. - `WCSlib paper II `_: M. R. Calabretta & E. W. Greisen: *Representations of celestial coordinates in FITS*, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 395, p.1077, 2002. - `Astropy World Coodinate System package `_, which is used extensively in cygrid. Reference/API ============= .. automodapi:: cygrid :inherited-members: :no-inheritance-diagram: :no-main-docstr: .. :no-heading: